Saturday 7 March 2009

Osamu Tezuka - Una Biografia Manga - by Studio Tezuka

I wonder if this biography of Osamu Tezuka by his assistants at Studio Tezuka will ever be published in English? This is just part 1 and it would be a vast long book all put together, so my guess is no.
Above - the cover - a page showing the famous scene from his youth when he was punched out by an American G.I. - and a photo of Tezuka at the time as a young medical student.

It's got all his childhood stuff in here, his love of insects, the war, and his starting a career as a medical student. And then at the end he starts his new career as a manga artist. There are loads of pages and panels from his early comics, and all his characters appear to say things in the corners.

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